About Chancery Court
1. Chancery Court was established by the Mississippi Constitution of 1890 §154.
2. Under the Mississippi Constitution and by statute, the Chancery Court has jurisdiction over the following types of cases:
*All matters in equity; (which includes cases of fraud or mistake, property rights, preservation of property, conveyances of property, mortgages and liens on property, trusts, accountings, injunctions, specific performance of contracts)
*Divorce and alimony; (including annulment, separate maintenance, child custody, child support, division of marital assets/property)
*Matters testamentary and of administration; (including probate of wills, handling of estates either with or without a will)
*Minors' business; (including emancipation of minors, approving settlement of claims of minors, appointment and removal of guardians)
*Cases of idiocy, lunacy, and persons of unsound minds; (including commitments to institutions); and
*All matters of which Chancery Court had jurisdiction when the state constitution came into existence.
What is Equity
Chancery Judges are known as equity Judges, whose area of duty involves more than narrow and rigid interpretations of law and focuses on protection of individual rights.
Election of a Chancery Judge:
Non-partisan elections (no primaries) every four (4) years
Qualifications to seek office of Chancery Judge:
Must be:
an elector of the District;
at least 26 years of age;
a practicing attorney for five (5) years;
citizen of the State for five (5) years.
6. Chancery District 11 is a four (4) county district:
Holmes County
Yazoo County
Madison County
Leake County
7. Three Chancery Court Judges serve Chancery District 11. Each is elected as follows:
Place One (Sub-district 1): Holmes, Yazoo and a small portion of Madison County
Place Two (Sub-district 2): Remaining portions of Madison County and all of Leake County
Place Three: All of Holmes, Yazoo, Madison and Leake Counties
8. Chancery Court Terms
Chapter 502, Laws of 1985
Eleventh District
Honorable Cynthia Lee Brewer, Canton
Honorable Robert G. Clark, III, Lexington
Honorable James C. Walker, Canton
Holmes, Yazoo, Madison and Leake Counties
In each of the various Counties comprising the Eleventh Chancery Court District, the Chancery Court shall be in term commencing on the first business day of each calendar month and terminating on the last business day of said month.